Swedes, almost universally speak great English but its very Brit-sy. Further, the guy sitting across from me is a Midland Brit (I even know what that means now) who replaced a posh Brit (who I may have mentioned earlier and on whom my wife had an enormous crush on despite his rather obvious incompatible sexual orientation) who constantly say funny things in amusing accents.
Rubbish = Garbage. You can call a person or a situation rubbish and it means feckless which mean lacking feck. If you cant say much else about Americans you can at least say we are feck-ful.
Shite = Poop
Taking the piss out of you Jerking someone around, usually as in joking around with them. Can be shortened to taking a/the piss
Nick - Steal
Knackered Tired but also means deeply in trouble. If my wife catches me in a snog with (alternatively....'catches me snogging') the nanny once more, I 'm knackered'
I am fascinated by the curse words especially. It turns out that much like in America, there are some generational rules about curse words, take Sod and Bugger for example. One would use them in front of one's mother (maybe) and never in front of one's granny. The mother and granny would never use them (but you know they think it).
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