Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Commenting the Comments

See now isn't this fun?

Several people left comments on the last post (not sure if that link will work, if not just go to the last post and read the comments) and instead of re-commenting the comments I thought I would start fresh here.

G$ - I saw Jack White on the Grammy's or something with Loretta. She appeared drunk/medicated and he seemed confused. I need to get you some White Stripes. Selectively, I think you will really like it.

Dan - I think they might be a little more substantive than you give credit for but it fits one of my theories about the music that is big during your late Jr. High and early High School days really sticks with you forever. No matter what genre you end up in later (as a choice) the music from when your are 14 chooses you.

Jamie - Where to begin?

First off 'physically mature'?!? For that you are sleeping in the alley when you come to Stockholm. Speaking of which, as of yesterday you had not called your parents since arriving back in the US. By your posting I can see that you are not in fact dead so please call them so they stop harassing my wife about your location/safety.

Secondly, I am trying to figure out what the 'new age hooie' is although I can imagine living in Japan these last years you would have given a very distorted view of music available in American just now. Hasselhoff is big there and Germany I think right? I'll assume 'new age hooie' is Pop music but using 'hooie' makes you sound like the one who is 'physically mature'

Finally, just so we are clear about Pop music vs. pop music. In my thinking Pop music (caps) is a genre of music and pop (no caps) music refers to popularity. Its inconvenient that they are spelled the same but let use this to define terms. (p)op (no caps), and we really should stop being lazy and use the full 'popular' just means that people are into it, it could be good music or bad music but it is at least famous music. Don't ask for the criteria to define how popular it has to be to be popular or how we even measure popularity. We will use the Supreme Court's porn test that 'we know it when we see it'.

Pop (caps) is like potato chips (except potato chips rock so that analogy kinda sucks) in that it might taste good but is completely unfilling. Pop music is bad music because it suffers a lack of creativity. If you have trouble telling which is which among 4-5 artists, they are likely Pop artists. If you find the artist overwhelming hot, it is usually Pop music. Actual musicians focus somewhat less on the hotness angle (although Shakira messes with this paradigm a bit).

Take the Britney, Christina and the (dumb one from the MTV show whose name I have forgotten) triumvirate. Of the group Britney is clearly the least talented but smartest (from a marketing perspective, I don't think I would take her to a spelling bee), Christina is the most talented (.....at singing I mean, you dirty old person) and the other one is basically banking on the fact that she resembles the other 2. None of the 3 make anything that is interesting or new and therefore are Pop. You can also spot Pop in the packaging. In most cases, the quality is inversely proportional to the size of the marketing campaign. So Pop is bad seems to be my main point but actually its not. I don't like Pop personally but because it is usually so popular, you have to be aware of it to know what is going on culturally. Ask Chuck Klosterman.

BTW, the opposite of Pop would be someone who is not famous, quite ugly but awesomely creative/unique ..... like Tom Waits.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for that lesson on yet another quirk of the English lanugage. I like to consider myself a somewhat intelligent person, but I apparently made a mistake in assuming everyone knew that Pop music truly sucks and that my references to such were strictly used to define pop(ular) music. My mistake. Might I suggest a non-pop band that you might want to look into? Brand New's Deja Entendu. Particularly track 2: "Sic Transit Gloria... Glory Fades", track 4: "Okay I Believe You, but My Tommy Gun Don't" Track 6: "The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot" and Track 11: "Play Crack the Sky". On a side note, Weezer has a new album that was released on May 10th. Haven't heard anything on it, but it's Weezer, synonomous with freakin' awesome.

Sorry about my parents, but you were the one who wanted into this. Don't go try and blame me for any undue attention. Anyhow, it turns out on Naval Station San Diego, it's easier to find a computer than a phone (well, one that doesn't cost my firstborn anyways). It's their own fault they don't have email. You have my sypmathy, but I assure you, the sooner Tina can relay this information, the sooner she can take a breather from the incessant harassment. Does this mean you are no longer enjoying the company of your mother-in-law?

Anonymous said...

synonymous... my bad

Unknown said...

Will relay your status. Your mom flew home so you could say yes I am no longer enjoying her company. I'll not be more explicit than that.

Dan said...

Maybe I should post this on the old post with the euro invasion, but I always found your musings here sardonically irreverant or maybe even flippant. But never frivolous.

The new Weezer album is B-A-N-A-N-A-S. I love Weezer too. Also the new Gorrilaz single came out and I got it on iTunes. Also goodness by a bunch of wierdos with cartoon personas.

G$ said...

On pop music and potato chips:

Funnily enough, food and music are the two most visible areas in which personal taste supercedes objective quality. I consider myself painfully objective.

Therefore, I can say objectively, "Green Day" is bad. I also believe there is no accounting for taste. So if you like Green Day, that is cool with me, it just means you like crappy stuff. (Note this logic does not apply to "rap music" and "Dulce de Ajonjoli" , which both taste bad universally and also suck objectively.)

Don't get me started on Sonoran Hot Dogs.

Oh, also, Tom Waits is extremely alt.country. By this I mean he is exceptionally ugly and has a painful voice.