Thursday, May 12, 2005

Firefox (not the Clint Eastwood movie)

I have been using Firefox from Mozilla exclusively as my web browser for about 6 days now and am finding that it works quite well. I installed it just a few days before they announced their first security hole and the patch just came out today. Install was painless and didn't cause any problems.

I like the Tabs view. Basically you have 1 browser window open and then tab your additional pages in that one. You give up only 1 toolbars width (vertically) so its not much loss. My favorite piece though is the Live Bookmarks picking up RSS feeds. For the non-geeks among us, this means I can make a button on my tool bar that when clicked will show the headlines from whatever news source or blog I am linked to. For those playing along at home you can right click on the Bookmarks Toolbar and make a new Bookmark. Drop an RSS feed in there (Try CNN at and poof you have a button showing the CNN headlines. Below are the links I am using right now.

I also like the customizeable search box. It loaded the Google Toolbar for Firefox automatically but it has anoother search box in the top right corner. This one, depending on your plugins etc. can be set to search specific sites like IMDB, Amazon, Wiki etc. which is slick.

I can't comment on the security/stability but can say that for me its been no hassle at all yet.

These are the Live Bookmarks I have so far, let me know if there are others you read and reccomend.

The Local (Swedish news in english) -
This Blog -


G$ said...

Weird. Dan and I were just talking about FireFox (the Movie & the Browser) 2 days ago. We proclaimed any user of it lame and a nmisguided MSFT hater.

Hope you disabled java.

Unknown said...

By no means a MSFT hater, I like to think I keep a good balance. I forgot to mention that the browser also has Russian language though activated rear-firing missiles to kick IE's a**.

Dan said...

I forgot about the tab browsing. That is nice. My main point is it should be transparent to me. Also, not that it will be that helpful since he doesnt write anymore, but the Simmons RSS feed is the top on