Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hoops 7/23

Not a whole lot to say here, it was a good run but with 21 guys at one point an awful long wait between games. Its a bunch of Raytheon and IBM guy plus a few strays and things run pretty well. We hit a tipping point though when we went over15 guys and a few others walked in late. They insisted that they should play in the next game because they had not played yet. They are idiots. We let them play even though I was forced to sit out 2 entire games and we then all agreed to institute the uber traditional write your name on the bottom of the board when you arrive system to avoid any drama.

A few notable moments included one skinny jumping guy who attempted the longest traveling jump stop I've ever seen. He literally picked up the ball around the hash mark and took 2 gigantic running strides and then a leap to land on 2 feet. He was cool about it when we called traveling but it was actually a pretty impressive athletic feat. I on the other hand am a shadow of my former self. I still finish pretty well and rebound but have alot of trouble getting my own shot from the post.

Bike Miles
Run Miles
Swim Miles
Basketball Hours
1 (7/16 - 7/22)
2 (7/23 - 7/29)




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