Thursday, June 30, 2005

My Cousin's Email

She occasionaly sends me the chain email stuff but she is discriminating enough to only pass on the ones that are at least kinda funny. She claims this one is true and I haven't seen anything out there yet that its a hoax. Either way, it amused me. Her text below:

One of the Lawyers in our office used to do a lot of work with the United Way back in the late 80's. One of the head guys at the United Way gave our Lawyer a copy of this actual letter from a lady who was thankful for something the United Way had done for her. The copy is attached, but I've typed it out for ease in reading.
The letter reads:
Dec. 4, 1989
Dear Mr. {name deleted just in case},
Thank you for the radio you gave the United Way and they gave me. The lady in the bed next to mine has had a radio for many years. She wouldn't let me listen to hers. Yesterday hers fell and broke. She wanted to listen to mine. I said fuck you.
God bless you,
Mrs. A.O. Smith

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