Thursday, June 02, 2005

The Chronicle Project 1.0

I mentioned a few weeks ago the 'sadly ambitious' Chronicle project and here it is.

As 1) my self-involvement truly has no limits and 2) I have alot of semi-down time sitting in meetings and 3) I am always near my laptop I have, over time created the following interactive spreadsheet documenting key events in my life to this point. I haven't learned how to make it truly interactive so that I can get others to make updates but hope to in version 2.0. I have guessed on some of the dates and details from the early days (if you happen to know them please feel free to drop me a note). For my current job I sort of coded the customer names, its not important who they are really.

Here is a nice summary of some of the key counts.

17 Houses/Apartments (its actually higher once I find out where I lived prior to age 5)
11 Educational Institutions (Pre-school to University)
8 Standard Jobs (not counting assorted side deals, scams and other flim-flammery)
3 Sprint Triathlon Races ( I have never come in last, but its been close)
2 Weddings (same girl, go figure)
2 Kids (1 of each)

Tech Note:
Gotta use IE for the site. If you get errors, you also might need to install something on your machine from Microsoft called the Office Web Components (this link appears to be the right install).

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