Thursday, July 02, 2009

Infinite Summer - 0

Sergio pointed me to this last week and I couldn't resist. I'm 1/3 of the way through Gravity's Rainbow for like the 3rd time and was making actual progress so this distraction was unwelcome but I am a) a sucker for an interesting challenge and b) a huge-er fan of D. Wallace and Infinite Jest.
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IJ is a top 3 book for reasons I guess I'll go into later but reading it the first time was long, incredibly pleasurable and work. Given the ruinous time-sequence, multitude of plots/characters and my unfamiliarity with Quebecois Separatists politics I've always said I'd want to go back and re-read it to put things in order in my brain.

So I am starting a couple of weeks behind but its slow at work right now so I should be able to catchup.

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