Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Starting Again

Tragically, my old blog site died a few months back. For those of you that read it, perhaps its not so tragic but at least I found it amusing. Of course I never bothered to backup any of the postings and they are now in the ether. Many thanks to Spencer for hosting while it was alive. This time around I am going for a 3rd party hosting approach so they can handle the backup in the event of a disaster (and working in the computer field I can safely say that its always an inevitability).

I think I can hit the highlights of the old site by saying that I flew to Europe while watching a midget drama, was nearly killed in a soccer riot, got lost going home drunk, complained about books and grumbled extensively about being away from home. If you found any of that amusing, stay tuned. If not, I will try to minimize the midget stuff and see how it goes.

I will do a couple of intro posts to setup the background about what I do (very boring but I get alot of questions from my non-geek family so please skip those if you are geekstatus=high) and why we are in Sweden etc. and then start a (hopefully) regular cyle.

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